Saturday, October 24, 2009

Aged to Perfection

During homeschool yesterday, I was doodling on my dry erase board (not a very good example to the kids, I know). Nathan asked me draw him so I did:
It made him happy. Then I did this and we all got a good laugh. Now we know just how he'll look if he really takes after his father. =)

Friday, October 16, 2009

Going Green

Tim here, making a cameo appearance on the blog:
Human beings got their start in a Garden, and the Bible's narrative tells the story of God's work to return us back to fellowship with Him in a new creation. There's a lot of theology in a garden, and maybe I'll write about that some day, but for now here are some pictures of what God's growing in our backyard:

I enjoyed this beautful head of broccoli in my salad today!

Looking forward to cabbage, and collard greens, too.

And turnips are on the way...

Compost: next year's fertilizer! Yum, yum...

We use the garden to supplement our food, teach us dependence on God, and teach the kids in the neighborhood about creation stewardship. The most annoying thing about the garden is when Mama Hazel (91 year-old who lives behind us) yells across the yard, "Amie's garden sure does look good!" (Amie has yet to pick and squash a cabbage worm between her fingers, which is the official initiation to green living).

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Peeps on Parade

I want, I want, I want!
(maybe he just wants his other shoe)

As big as he is, we're still hoping he grows into those teeth. ;-)

Cutie patootie

Chubby cheeks, luscious lips, and chocolate eyes.
He should qualify as a candy bar - sweet.

She was torn between posing for the picture
and watching for spiders.

I love this and it makes me sad at the same time.

Goofiness personified.