Incident #3: Mamoune bursts through the door shouting "Mom, there's a snake and it's going after Nathan!" Can you say adrenaline rush? I run through the house searching for shoes which seem necessary for protection. The best I can find are my steel-toed flip-flops. No good. Next I grab the machete and the extra long grill tongs. Please, I'm a professional -don't try this at home. I run down stairs to see Nathan glued to one spot and my daughter is now guiding me by standing halfway up the steps and saying, "he's down there somewhere." Oh, you mean down here as in anywhere within a two mile radius?! Thanks Mamoune.
Soon, I spot the slithering serpent. He's a reddish brown color which confuses me. We've caught earth snakes or worm snakes as they are often called but they were usually more gray than this guy. Unfortunately, crawling into the barn where my kids are playing and then having questionable coloring was not in his favor. I whacked with the machete and caught him about a third of the way back from his head. He tossed and coiled for a second but was otherwise incapacitated. It was at this point that I got a good look at his head and realized that he was in fact a harmless worm snake. I felt horrible. I scooped him up with the blade and put him on the concrete so I could end his suffering quickly. A quick chop to the neck did the trick.
Worm snakes, for those who don't know, are utterly and completely harmless. They eat earthworms and other insects. I won't post a picture because I am too ashamed. What can I say? In the future, I will attempt to accurately assess the danger level (within my ability) but ultimately, if it's between the snake and my kids -the snakes gotta go.
Isn't nature fun?!