Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Millenders and Random Pictures

We spent Saturday with our friends, Ron and Chris (and the kiddos), who are leaving for Africa on Thursday. We had a great time and I only cried once which I believe is a new personal record. For those who don't know them, though many of you do, they are the kind of people that you might know for only a short time but you'd swear you've been friends since first grade. They've only been around for a few years but we knew immediately that they would be lifelong friends. We are going to miss them greatly! You can keep up with their journey to Africa on their blog -linked at the right of this page.

Here are a couple of pictures from our visit:

It's hard to believe that the next time these two boys are together,

one will be a teenager and the other will be walking and talking.

For a minute it looked like Jesus was just gonna show up

and none of us would be traveling anywhere.

And here are few random pictures of the crew:

See, we know we have older kids, too. For those wondering, it's not that we don't love them equally. They are just better at avoiding the camera than the little ones. But trust me, they had their day and if you need the proof I have BOXES of prints that you are welcomed to peruse. Nathan is absent in the line up but I'll try to post one of his newly shorn head later.

1 comment:

The Millenders said...

Thanks for the kudos - we love you too and were quite impressed with the lack of saline expressed during the event - we will miss you terribly and wish you were here to experience this with us. Love you guys!