Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Counting Down

It looks like our annual trip to Ocean Isle is going to happen. I won't reveal the identities of our hopeful house/kid keepers just yet. I would hate to leave an obvious trail in the event that they have to cancel on us AND their lifeless bodies happen to be recovered in the same day. ;-)

But barring such an odd coincidence, we will be beach bound this weekend! Woot-woot! We are very excited about this time together. The kids are sick of our insensitive gloating. Isaiah made a scathing accusation on behalf of himself and his siblings: "You guys are just trying to get rid of us!"

"Aw, honey" I responded with exaggerated sympathy. "We are not trying to get rid of you...we are trying to get away from you."

You see the difference, don't you? I know. We'll be paying for another year of counseling. shrug.

Since I have much planning, packing, and organizing to do and since I have been struggling to keep the blog clipping along at a steady pace lately; I've decided to create some standard postings. They're just titles, really, that will help me sort life's little moments as they happen and hopefully, keep you updated more frequently.

Blogs are by nature selfish. You write with the assumption that anybody out there gives a poo-shoo what you think. So, you tell me...is there anything you want to hear my opinion about? Some topic that you would like for me to rant or rave over? I would ask if there are things you do NOT want me to share but I think the simple answer there is --don't want to know-don't read it. Of course, I will take into consideration my Uncle Eddie's distaste for human waste stories. =)

Here is the list of headers so far and a brief description of what to expect when you see it in the title. You'll recognize a few of them from this past week.

Wouldn't It Work Better If...
The questioning of things that seem, irrational, illogical, or just plain dumb

Maybe It's Just Me
Thoughts on controversial people, situations, and current events

Table Scraps (formerly Tidbits from the Table)
Encouraging, endearing, or insane bits from our dinner conversations

Out of the Mouths of Babes
Short stories and quotes from the kiddos

Peeps on Parade
Photos or videos of the kids (makes the grandparents happy!)

Confessions of a non-Scholar
My (sometimes peculiar) observations from Scripture and personal applications

The un-Missionary Memoirs
Updates and encounters from the hood

Let me know what you think? I won't plan on blogging again until after our trip and naturally, I'll lead off with a steamy post recapping our romantic get-away. I know you're all dying for that!

Post your likes, dislikes, thoughts, or criticisms below and I'll see you all next week!!


T and T Livesay said...

I will be waiting for the full SexFest '09 post --- need stats, facts, and other important details.

lisaqshay said...

greedy me. i want it ALL! but will certainly settle for whatever you put up there. see, i'm flexible.