Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Jesus and Carbs

No, it is not the latest diet fad. It is my strategy for survival. The wiser woman would consider the long-term effects of a healthy high fiber, high protein diet to produce sustained energy and mental balance. I prefer to live dangerously while peaking and plateauing between the short bursts of insulin-induced rushes followed by the deep and catatonic crash of plummeting blood sugar levels.

While you were enjoying your Special K breakfast this morning -I downed a plate of spaghetti and a cup of coffee swimming in hazelnut creamer. I'm not kidding. I can only explain the spaghetti with the fact that my internal clock is way off set by being awake at weird times. Either way, I will be a whirlwind of accomplishment for the next hour or so. After which, well... would anyone out there be willing to come by the house at around noon and scrape me off the floor? ;-)

Uh, Amie, where exactly does Jesus come into the plan? I'm glad you asked. You see, sometimes I write this blog to challenge you. Other times I write it to challenge myself. This is one of those. I admit that the carbs are in many ways more comforting to me at times. I can see them, smell them, taste them. They are tangible. And to my shame, I choose them first too often. That's the ugly truth. A plate of peanut butter cookies is more soothing than the Man who hung on a cross to buy my eternity.

And while I'd like to think that God just doesn't really understand how powerful my sugar addiction can be, I'd have to explain away passages like Psalm 34:8 "TASTE and see that the Lord is good; Blessed is the man who trusts in Him!" Taste and see...hmmmm. And then Psalm 119:103 says, "How sweet are Your words to my taste, Sweeter than honey to my mouth!" I think God gets it. In fact, I think He is going to great lengths to say that the sweetest thing this world can offer -the hottest melt-in-your mouth Krispy Kreme donut- is just a sad sugar substitute compared to His word.

So, if you happen to pray for me today, you could pray in this way: that the cravings of my spirit for the sweetness of His word and the taste of His goodness would greatly exceed the cravings of my flesh for quick fixes and cheap substitutes.

Love to all!


millendersinafrica said...

prayed as requested just now. you know, it is possible to challenge yourself *and* us at the same time. :-) love you guys and can't wait to see all six of you! r&c

Shaw6pak said...

I'll take that same prayer, thank you very much. I must confess that I had a very large bowl of Fruity Pebbles. Yes, I know it is awful for me, but I am sucker for the taste. Nevermind the sugar crash a little later. I will pray for you too. ~~~Kristi

Heather said...

OUCH. Dr. Marvin, I think you can help me! (Hope you are a What About Bob" fan) (:

ange said...

I will pray for you as I try to scrape myself off the floor from my too many Pepsi's and not enough sanity overload!
Thanks for reminding us how sweet our Father is.
who really misses Krispy Kreme donuts

Laura Lu said...

I know you said that was meant for you, but wow...that hit my heart! I will be praying for you as well as myself, because I definitely crave sugar more.

Anonymous said...

You can get the No Grain Diet book by Mercola to help get rid of carb cravings once and for all. Great book. You don't stay off grains/sweets/fruits forever, just a short time to nip those cravings. It really works.

The Sexton Crew said...

Heather -LOVE "what about Bob?" Absolute favorite!

Anonymous -I'm guessing it would help for me to be at the point of wanting to end this self-destructive behavior...not quite there yet. =) But I am a fan of and will certainly check out his book. Thanks.