Tuesday, April 29, 2008

I'm My Own Grandpa

It seems that this grand parenting thing has our kids a little confused. Today, Nathan asked me if he could start calling me "Grammy." uh, let me think about that- NO! I explained that his children will be welcomed to call me Grammy or whatever he chooses when the time comes but I see no reason to rush into things.

"But if my kids call you Grammy, what will I call you?"

"Well...there are lots of possibilities. We could go with Mrs. Sexton, Beautiful, Great and Wise One, or we could just stick with MAMA since that is who I will still be."


Between this and his period of mourning over my 34th birthday, I'm beginning to get a complex.

Off to take my Geritol...if I can just remember where I put it.


Unknown said...

this is TC's friend, Chris, met you guys recently, the one who's husband called the cops and reported her missing, ya that was me. I love you blog, it just takes me out of myself and to a much better place, it make me laugh, which I have to see is rare these days. just wanted to say I am so glad I have met you guys. i see why TC loves you so much. Look forward to reading your adventures in this life, and seeing you again sometime.
Chris Wheeler

The Sexton Crew said...

Chris -we loved meeting you, too! And we were happy to be part of your safe return...this was the first missing person's case we've been part of solving. Hey, where's our reward money??? ;-)

Feel free to visit anytime you're in the area.

Anonymous said...

The depends are on the bottom shelf in the bathroom

T and T Livesay said...

I love you too. Mark that down.
