You'd never guess she was packing diapers in that patent leather trimmed purse which SHE chose to match her shoes. What ever will I do when she become a teenager?!
Guess I'll throw her in solitary confinement with her big sis. =)
Guess I'll throw her in solitary confinement with her big sis. =)
Not to worry. I took Isaiah's "action figures" out of the box and set them up as expected. We decided to harvest out turnip green crop before they got hit with a hard freeze. Here are the bundles we collected. They were lovingly transformed into six quart jars of greens ready for a winter meal.
And last but not least in our parade of photos. This is Tim after Bella gave him a makeover using her purple eyeshadow/lipstick/blush. Apparently, you can use this one product for any part you want to highlight.
I will do my best to update again sooner than later! Surely, I can't do any WORSE than this. (Let's hope.)
Mamoune and Mia in their 80's punk get-ups.
And here's Tim is his ever so creative costume of himself. Party-pooper.
Yet, despite his lack of participation in our fall festivities, the boy built me an amazing potting bench out of a door and an old beam we dragged off the side of the road. Oh yes, skill and resourcefulness! It makes me proud.
And lastly for this long overdue post -a moment compliments of Bella. She's been potty-training herself for awhile now but was recently suffering from a back up in the system. While enjoying some quality time sitting in front of the toilet waiting for her "movement" this conversation ensued:
Me: Poor baby, I can hear the gas rumbling around in your tummy.
Bella: Dat's not gas. It's pwably the monkey in my tummy.
Me: uh, you have a monkey in your tummy?
Bella: yep.
Me: Okay, well what does he do in there?
Bella: Sometimes he eats my breakfast but he just had a snack so pwably he's doing nothing.
Goofy kid. But on the bright side, next time your feeling a little gassy, you can just blame it on the monkey in your tummy.
I enjoyed this beautful head of broccoli in my salad today!
Compost: next year's fertilizer! Yum, yum...
We use the garden to supplement our food, teach us dependence on God, and teach the kids in the neighborhood about creation stewardship. The most annoying thing about the garden is when Mama Hazel (91 year-old who lives behind us) yells across the yard, "Amie's garden sure does look good!" (Amie has yet to pick and squash a cabbage worm between her fingers, which is the official initiation to green living).
Last week was full of fun and visits from friends. We got to hang with Jena -back from Uganda. Yeah! We also, put her to work kid-sitting at the doctor's office while Tim and I picked up our anti-Malaria meds.
We got to catch up with our friend Heather (formerly known at Faith as "Cammie") and meet her beau, Eric. We had long and mutually encouraging conversations. Well, the mutual part is a bit of an assumption. =) Eric made quite an impression! Especially when he let Justus dive head first out of his lap to the floor. We will certainly never forget you Eric. We'll think of you often while working through our son's developmental delays. Only kidding!
Speaking of Justus ---these past two weeks have been HUGE for him (besides the head injury, ha!). First, he is a walking maniac. Second, he is officially a member of the Sexton family. We received his final decree of adoption on Thursday. AND lastly, he is a whopping 1 year old today. To see how this love lump entered the scene, read here and here and here.
And finally, I am packing like a wild woman. We will leave on Thursday for Atlanta where our parents will become contestants on a new reality show called "Extreme Grandparenting." Not really, but they will think they are on Survivor by the end of the week. Tim and I will fly out on Friday to spend six days with our favorite missionaries in Haiti! If you don't know much about them -read their blog here and you will soon see why we love them so.
As you can see, it's been a busy couple of weeks and will continue to be a busy few weeks. Pray for patience in the midst of chaos, for safety while traveling, and for grandkids to go easy on their elders. Here are the photos as promised:
Heather, Eric, and the crew!
(notice Eric is NOT holding the baby-we ain't stupid. ;-))
An awesome couple!!! Aside from the fact that they make us feel really old.
A big box for a big one year old.
What could it be guys?
No matter. It all ends up in the same place.
psst...another post has been added to the brain dump. Click here to check it out.