Friday, March 30, 2007
a. Bin of Haiti clothes
b. Bin of "now" clothes that won't go to Haiti
c. Box of yard sale clothes
d. Box of winter clothes that we'll store in Atlanta with family
e. All of the above
Stumped? SO ARE WE!!!!
Now...ask the same question about everything you own. Welcome to our world.
The good news is we're moving to the barn tomorrow. From 1300 square feet to 800 or so. From 3 bedroom, 2 1/2 baths to 1 bedroom, one bath, a closet (aka. children's bedroom) and a laundry room (aka. another children's bedroom).
All that is to say this:
When I finish this post I'll be unplugging this computer and getting it ready to move. We haven't moved our phone service to the new address yet, so we're not sure when we'll have internet. Please be patient with us! We'll be blogging regularly again soon...
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Monday, March 26, 2007
Sailing, takes me away...
There were many people who helped us out by donating, sorting, pricing, loading, selling, cleaning up, and even purchasing stuff. THANK YOU!!
Now we are down to the nitty-gritty. One week to get what remains ready to move. I think I can, I think I can, I think I can... we are living out that wonderful balance between the Lord working for us (like selling our house -all Him, totally out of our control) and the Lord working through us (like packing boxes). I don't recall any verse that mentions "The Three Members of the Trinity and a Truck", do you?
Christy Lane sang "One day at a time, sweet Jesus. That's all I'm asking of You." yeah well, for some of us a whole day is too much to swallow. I'm going with Louise Thornton and saying "'the joy of the Lord is my strength' for the next 15 minutes."
Think I can get a whole box packed in 15 minutes? We'll see.
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
If cleanliness is next to godliness...
And while organizing to organize may sound crazy. There are crazier things out there. For example when my mom use to make us clean a hotel room, including making the bed, before the cleaning lady came. That was crazy. I don't think she still does this. Ten grandchildren go a long way toward lowering a person's standards -eh, mom? =)
If you've offered to help only to get a blank stare and weak shrug... it's me, not you. I hope that after the yard sale this Saturday, which will clear out a heap load of stuff, I'll be able to take advantage of your willing hands. In the meantime, we can accept help in the following forms:
1. Pray and keep praying.
2. We will be setting up for the yard sale on Friday afternoon. If you can move boxes, set up tables, or price items, come on by. Helpers get first dibs on our "treasures".
3. If you can add, negotiate, or just look pitiful enough to get the best price on our stuff, then come on Saturday and we'll put you to work.
4. If you really don't want to work but are the king and/or queen of "yard sale-ing" then you can just come and shop, Saturday 8am - 1pm.
Monday, March 19, 2007
If you are interested
Have a great Monday!
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Controlled Chaos...
Do we favor?
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
A Dose of Whimsy
After reading several library books about slavery (I could post a list of the greatest children's books, especially about black history, if anyone is interested or you can email me
I overheard the following exchange:
Nathan: (picking out two Lincoln Log people) I'm gonna be this guy and she is going to be my slave.
Mamoune: (indignant) Nathan! Those days are over!
Nathan: (unhindered) Well, then, she can just be my wife.
Oh brother! Will you all join me in saying a prayer for Nathan's future wife, wherever she is?!
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
A Quick Tutorial
The word "blog" gets it origin from two words: web log. Calling it a blog saves 2 key spaces and makes you appear computer savvy. It is basically an on line journal for anyone who doesn't mind their business being broadcast over the Internet.
Just like a written journal, the entries (posts) are listed from oldest to most recent. If you want to read the history on any blog just scroll down or click the archives link.
At the end of each post (if the owner of the blog chooses) there is a "comment" link. To share a thought, you simply click on the word "comment". If you have a pop-up blocker on your computer, you will need to temporarily allow pop-ups or turn it off because the comment page comes up as a new window. Now you can type your comment and sign in (if you have a blogger account) or sign as "anonymous" if you don't. Comments on our blog are moderated which means we see it first. This is where most people get tripped up. After you hit "submit" your comment will NOT automatically show up. I will receive it as an email and then post it or reject it. This is a safe guard just in case someone posts a crude or completely inflammatory remark. Anyone and everyone can view this blog but we don't want to provide a forum for nastiness.
Of course, we don't mind people disagreeing with us. BUT if you disagree so strongly that you find it necessary to be rude or disrespectful then you should probably just start you own "we think the Sexton's are idiots" blog and you can say whatever you want at that point. =)
On the side bar of our blog there are other features which you can access. The profile page simply tells you more about us. There is also a list of our favorite web sites and their links. Simply click the name and it will take you to that site. Speaking of links -anytime you see typing like this, it means you can click on that word or group of words to visit another related site. If you click the link I just typed, it will take you to (one of my frequently visited sites). You can just hit the "back" button on your browser to return to this page. Go ahead and try it. Are you back? See, it's not so hard!
Lastly, we added a guest book several weeks ago but few of you have signed it. What gives? All you have to do is click the link. It will open a smaller window and you can "pin" your location and add a short comment or introduce yourself.
I hope this helps someone out there and as we add features I will try to remember to explain them. And don't feel bad, I am right there with you so we'll learn together!
Back to Life
Thursday, March 8, 2007
The Gift that Keeps on Giving
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
Pictures, pictures, pictures...
Mabell and Bella with smiles all around.
Mabell and Isabella were completely taken with each other from the start. I don't know which one smiled more; they seemed to feed off of each other! The tear-jerker moment of the week was yesterday while it was just me and these two gals. Mabell was holding Bella and said "Amie, if I die before she really knows me, you make sure you tell her how much I love her!" Mabell will be 88 this month. Here's hoping for 10 more years! =)
Monday, March 5, 2007
Grandparents...Round Two!
For now, the house is trashed. Seriously. After two weeks of maintaining the chaos, the weekend of sickness did us in. So, I am attempting to use the children's anticipation of grandparents to my advantage with an all out Monday Mop-Up Day. The house will be clean, Bella will be clean, and the rest of us might be out of our pajamas by the time they get here. A person can only do so much. =)
Pictures coming later!
Saturday, March 3, 2007
March Progress Report
1. After a week and a half of being on the market, our house is UNDER CONTRACT! How unbelievable is that? I flip-flop constantly between being really impressed with God and how quickly He can work and being a weeping glob of mush because it's happening too fast for my brain to grasp. mushing right now, give me a sec. If all goes through (the loan has been pre-approved), we will close on April 5th.
2. In light of #1, we have MUCH packing to do and I'm not sure where to begin. There's the what we need for now pile, the what we will need now and in Haiti pile, the what we won't need until we get to Haiti pile, and the what needs to be sold pile. One month and counting to sort it all out.
3. Bella's adoption is still in the early stages. We are still waiting for birth father issues to be dealt with. With the quick sale of the house, God has certainly captured my attention. But Him still being God and me still being not, I am left only to wonder. Will He amaze us again by moving her paperwork through at breakneck speed? OR will He give us several months together in a confined space to stretch and grow as a family while dragging her adoption out? I do know for sure that whichever He chooses is the right thing. Can I have a volunteer to repeat these words to me in the next few months? =)
4. On the more immediate front -we are feeling much better. We are both a little worn but greatly improved. Thank you for praying.
5. Our fundraising letters and pledge cards are ready for printing and we hope to get them in the mail next week. Also, the prayer card photo has been touched up -Isaiah is actually looking at the camera now, yeah technology. We'll let you know as soon as they are available.
We now return this blog to it's usual programming of meaningless ramblings and daily minutiae.
Friday, March 2, 2007
Calling All Prayer Warriors
So, after dragging myself up the stairs to get a heating pad for my back, it seemed wise to use what energy I have left to implore you all to pray! I am learning to care for a one month old without touching her face, hands, pacifier, bottle, or anything else she might put in her mouth. Basically, I'm good for diapering and the rest requires extensive hand washing and then delegation to the eagerly waiting (and I must admit) amazingly competent big sister. Mamoune has fed, rocked, entertained, and changed Bella today and even blessed her mom with a back rub. There's wonderful beauty in a serving heart and being sick is worth getting a glimpse of it.
Lots of families in our church have dealt with this exact situation so we don't mean to sound like wusses. Just pray that the children will be protected, especially the one most susceptible to dehydration and that I will have supernatural strength for the next couple of days. Thanks guys!
Thursday, March 1, 2007
Christmas in March?
I'll try to point out some of the details for those of you simple-minded folks out there who don't see the obvious genius behind the creation. ;-) The tree itself is a large branch which they stuck into the ground. The rope serves as "lights" and the pine needles, cones, and uh, the goggles are ornaments. And naturally the rusted out tea pot is the star. Sort of gives you a new found respect for ol' Charlie Brown.
"Star of wonder, Star of light. Star with royal beauty bright..."
Warms the heart. Eggnog anyone?