Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Out of the Mouths of Babes

After a particularly grueling, sleepless night followed by a long day, Tim was tucking the children into bed. Lacking his usual energy to pray with and for the kiddos, he hugged Nathan and offered just what he could muster- "God loves you, buddy." Nathan thoughtfully replied, "Daddy, God loves you, too." And with those precious words a grown man was reduced to a puddle of tears.

Sometimes, when you are squeezing out every ounce of strength to be a good parent, a loving spouse, a loyal worker, a friendly neighbor, etc., etc.; it's easy to overlook the simplest truth. We have not been left to draw from a limited well. We can only continue to pour out of ourselves if we are tapped into the Living Water, a renewable source that fills and overflows through us. Too often, I find that I have dammed up the well-spring of my own heart by becoming so focused on my obligation to love others. I forget to stand -arms outstretched, head up, mouth open- in the refreshing rain of the Father's love for me. God loves me, too. How easily I forget.

Here is my challenge to you. It is goofy, silly, maybe embarrassing but I double dog dare you to do it anyway. Find a quiet place -lock yourself in the bathroom, hide in a closet, whatever you need to do to get alone for 30 seconds. Now sing "Jesus Loves Me."

Do you believe it? Had you forgotten? Be reminded today. God loves you, too!


Heather said...

Thanks. Sweetly said and perfect timing. I just might actually do it too(:

Nancy said...

Thanks Amie for the reminder. I actually did it. I sat at my computer and sang it (glad that Jesus doesn't mind my not so melodious voice) and actually felt chills up my arms (yup,not my spine) He reminded me that He knows the end from the beginning and the desires I want that please Him He wants even more.
Keep writing!

Heather said...

Apparently people have to be abroad to stay in your favorite blogspot list... Fine, Amie. I'll go abroad then, just to stay connected to you. How about... Uganda? How about I go... on Sunday?

Just kidding (well, I really am going). I lose for not updating much. And as a friend said, "Your blog got boring when you went back to school." Whatever! :-)

Miss you and the kids. Wish I could meet Justus before he starts ... dating! Eventually I'll make it back down. Is it true the Millender's are already in Africa?!


The Sexton Crew said...

Heather (Cammie) -I took you off the favorites list because you NEVER update anymore! Slacker. I figured people would wonder why I was sending them to read a blog with ONE post a month.

It's a supply/demand world, little missy. Better step up your game! We can't pray for you if we don't know what's going on.

(btw, the Millenders are in VA for eight weeks then off to Africa.)

Your trip to Uganda -THAT I want to hear about! We'll pray for safe travels and wait patiently for updates on the blog. =) Love and miss you!!

Rose Anne said...

Who needs to hide in a closet...
With my 7yr old son and 5yr old niece we sing it Loud and we sing it Proud....and sometimes right out in the middle of the front yard!
Love that song...
God Bless,
Rose Anne

T and T Livesay said...

You da bomb Tim.

the chapman crew said...

Love,Love,Love reading your blog! Keep it up Mama!

Anonymous said...

That was incredible. Tim just saw the pic of the kids on the title page and said "wow, look at Nathan, he will be a teen before we know it" I think man is more like it. Tim & Teri Gray