Saturday, December 29, 2007
All I Want for Christmas is My Two Front Teeth...
That makes two in two days and four in one week. Contributions to the Sexton family tooth fairy fund are being accepted now. ;-) If he keeps this up I'm going to have to start chewing his food for him. With luck (and the ability to locate our camera cord) I will have some pic's for you tomorrow.
Played Apples to Apples Bible Edition with my in-laws tonight. Much fun and highly recommended for gamers out there. You can even order it from my father-in-laws website:
More updates soon.
Friday, December 28, 2007
Georgia On My Mind
ISAIAH lost ANOTHER tooth! What is it with that kid? When I sent him to brush his teeth last night he said, "I sorta only have a few left, Mom."
And if you're wondering -the tooth fairy did not travel with us. She's on Christmas vacation and won't be back in the office until after the New Year. Izzy doesn't seem disappointed since there are plenty of new toys to play with anyway. We're off the hook for now. =)
More coming (sooner or later)...
Monday, December 24, 2007
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Give Love on Christmas Day
The whole family was heading to WalMart (aka: the black hole). Since I am there every single week, we've gotten to know several of the employees. One of those was a young lady working in the deli. Over the course of our visits, we learned that she had a four month old daughter, which gave us an idea for building the relationship. I went through Bella's box of outgrown winter clothes and pulled out some pieces that were in great shape (she never wore some of them because summer came before she got big enough) and put them in a gift bag to give to our deli-counter friend. (yes, we knew her name but are choosing to leave it out of the story.)
We were excited for a tangible example of loving others for our kids. Well, unfortunately, we found out that she know longer works at WalMart. Bummer. We stuck the gift bag in the bottom of our cart and went on with the shopping trip. I was really disappointed. Here we were trying to do the right thing, trying to set an example for the kids, and nothing came of it. I briefly scanned the store wondering if there was anybody we could give the clothes to but quickly wrote it off and moved along. Then God showed up. He's timely that way.
While stocking up for Bella in the baby food aisle, we turned to see a woman with a baby! AMAZING! Yeah, yeah, that's not really the amazing part. Anyway, another friend from church (who just happened to be there) and I made comments about how cute the baby was and asked the usual questions: how old is she, what's her name, etc. And God said "Now, Amie."
I began with "can I ask you a strange question?" I offered the bag of clothes which were just the right size and she gladly accepted them. Then the grandmother looked at me with a strange expression and asked, "You stay in Wake Forest?" Yep. I proceeded to tell her where we live and didn't even get to finish. She knew who we were. "I thought I recognized you. I just knew it was you. We live right around the corner, just a block away from you." TADA-now, that's the amazing part!!
We went from giving a gift to someone we only saw on occasion (still a good thing, but...) to meeting people in our own neighborhood and having the chance to consistently build a relationship with them. How cool is that?
More about the day's events can be found on Tim's Blog (via Faith Baptist's website). Click here.
Here Comes Santa Claus
Friday, December 21, 2007
Stuck on You
Thursday, December 20, 2007
If I could finish the laundry then I could get packed for our trip to Atlanta.
If I could sleep through the night then I would have more energy to do laundry.
If I would stop drinking sugar laced coffee and hot chocolate right before bed then I could sleep through the night.
If I wasn't overwhelmed by the task of doing laundry and packing for our trip to Atlanta then I wouldn't turn to the comfort of sugar laced coffee and hot chocolate.
Yes, the pattern is quite clear. And I realize that IF I break the pattern THEN I won't have to whine about it on this blog. But what IF...whining is more fun than actually accomplishing something? Then I better go have some hot chocolate.
Monday, December 17, 2007
Beauty School Drop Out
She seemed very focused on the task. It took a moment before she noticed our crew BUT she did notice us.
"I said no cameras up in here. Turn that (censored) camera off!"
I Keep on Fallin'
A 1/4 inch in any direction and we would've had serious problems. God is good and goose eggs are better than blindness!
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Time Warp
For those of you who aren't familiar with the Rocky Horror Picture Show (which isn't necessarily a bad thing) maybe you are familiar with another time warp known as WalMart. It's seems like no matter what I do I can't just get in and get out of that place. And yesterday was no exception. I arrived at approximately 11:15 am. I pulled out of the parking lot at 2:15 pm. THREE HOURS! ugh. No, I wasn't fighting or dragging along four children. I was all alone. Please believe me when I tell you that if given the opportunity to actually enjoy three hours of alone time I would never consciously choose to squander it away with the other four billion people at WalMart.
The first forty-five minutes weren't so bad. But another thirty minutes, hour, hour and a half later and I started feeling trapped. It was like one of those dreams where someone/something really scary is after you but your feet feel like lead weights and you can't run no matter how hard you try. My brain was racing on high speed and I knew my legs were moving, but I didn't seem to be getting anywhere. Then after finally getting everything unloaded and rung up I realized that the scary creature wasn't chasing me, it had been waiting for me at the cash register. "Your total comes to _____." AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!
With great fear and trepidation, I slayed the beast using my handy debit card. Then the computer has the nerve to ask if I want "cash back." Does this monster really think there's anything left in the account? Or is he just mocking me from the grave? "NO." I hit the enter button with a quick jab -a last little poke to be sure he was dead. Then I collect my scroll, er, receipt and finally make my way out to the parking lot. I am weary, worn, and walk slightly slumped over my cart but I rise from the ashes a victor! My Christmas shopping is done!!!!
"I am the champion, my friend..."
(two songs in one post -consider it a freebie =0))
Friday, December 14, 2007
At Last
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Man! I Feel Like a Woman!
Ron Millender is one of our closest friends (along with his wife, Chris), one of my most devoted readers, and incidentally the only man who regularly posts comments on this blog. And he may be feeling a bit alone. So, I am asking you all to help me offer him some assurance. Are there any other men who read this???!! If so, will you please identify yourself in the comment section of this post? Please! It's easy. Just read the directions at the bottom of the post. Wait. What am I thinking? Men are not going to read the directions are they?
Or if you are a woman but your husband has been known to read this blog over your shoulder or independently, will you comment on his behalf?
Let's work together to make Ron feel comfortable, after all...
...he clearly has other issues to work through.
To post a comment: click the comments link in the lower right hand corner of this post. Type your comment and then sign in as either a google user or anonymous if you don't have a google account. Hit submit. Your message will not automatically show up. I will get your comment via the blog and publish it asap. Thanks GUYS!
If I Only Had a Brain
The Setting -Mamoune is looking at the computer over her mom's shoulder and mutters something incomprehensible.
Mom: What did you just say?
Mamoune: (swallows and repeats sentence, the content of which is irrelevant to the story)
Mom: What was in your mouth?
Mamoune: (with eyes bulging) Trash.
Mom: (with eyes bulging and mouth agape) Trash from where?
Mamoune: The floor.
Mom: You put trash from the floor in your mouth?
Mamoune: Yes.
Mom: And then you swallowed it?
Mamoune: Yes.
(Mom stares at Mamoune in disbelief. Turns her back to the child and places her head in her hands. Returns to the child and continues to stare in disbelief.)
Mom: Exactly what kind of trash was it?
Mamoune: I don't know.
Mom: You have no idea what it was or what it could have been from?
Mamoune: It was kinda fuzzy.
Just when you thought this family couldn't be any weirder. sigh.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Only the Good Die Young
I saw a brief interview with a friend of Robert Hawkins' (Omaha shootings) in which he said of Hawkins, "He wasn't a monster...he was a good person." Really? Compared to whom? He just mowed down eight people in a shopping mall two weeks before Christmas! What the heck???
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Hit Me Baby One More Time
If you image google "tooth fairy" you get lots of tooth fairies. BUT if you image google "goofy tooth fairy" you get picture number TWO in the line up -Hope and Isaac Livesay!
Tara, are you still in denial? psychotic, goofy? I would never use these words to describe your family.
You Give Love a Bad Name
(side note: My kids love this song. They are currently walking through the kitchen singing Nathan's interpretation of it --"walk through the hall, but you're still late..." You would think he's been to high school or something. ???)
It all started last night when Isaiah was sent to brush his teeth. After a few seconds he calls out in a sing-song voice, "Come here, Mommy. It's something happy." Since nothing "happy" has been associated with the bathrooms for some time now, I'm up for a treat. I look in to see the sink full of bloody toothpaste (oh joy, more body fluids). Isaiah stands proudly with foaming pink spit dripping down his chin, smiling and pointing in his signature way to a small tooth lying on the corner of the sink.
Let me interrupt the current story to share a brief summation of tooth pulling at our house. There's Mamoune. The ever conflicted stoic drama queen. She pulls her own teeth out without anyone even knowing they were loose. The stoic part. Then she makes a grand entrance with hips swiveling and eyelashes fluttering to announce her conquest. If she were a better speller/reader I have no doubt she would fashion her own "applause" cue cards. It's not about money, it's about fame.
Then there's Nathan. Nathan believes, despite his parents constant reassurance, that every tooth in his head is directly rooted into his brain and pulling the wrong one will result in a horrific and painful death. He wants to be a marine. I could be mistaken but I think there is an unwritten rule in which pulling a tooth without hysterical screaming is prerequisite to taking a bullet for your country. As for money -we could flash a 100 dollar bill in his face and still his mouth would be clamped shut.
And finally, we have Isaiah. His first teeth came out while we were visiting a family in Kentucky. We put the kids down for bed and shortly after Nathan came out and excitedly reported that Isaiah had pulled his tooth. We congratulated Izzy and settled them all back into bed. Five minutes later, the whole gang comes bustling down the hall "Isaiah pulled another tooth!" At this point we're thinking dude, are you just bored? Fortunately he stopped at two that night. Fear of dying? Not an issue. Overpowering drive for recognition? Nope. For Isaiah it's all about the cash. Back to our story:
Me: (with less enthusiasm than a good mom should have) You're tooth fell out.
Izzy: (with more enthusiasm than any person should have) I GET MONEY! YES!!!
He put the tooth in a Ziploc bag and stored it under his pillow. This is where the system breaks down. See, we've never really done the official Tooth Fairy gig. It wasn't so much about deep spiritual convictions as it was about figuring that our reality was grueling enough without having the added pressure of keeping some tooth-stealing pixie under wraps. We had the same theory about the Easter Bunny. (Lazy Parenting 101 sign ups in the comment section) Instead, we made it a game. If Mom (aka Tooth Fairy) can get into your room and slide the money under your pillow without waking you up -you get to keep the money. If you wake up -Mom gets to keep the money.
No, it doesn't make a lot of sense but it works in two important ways: we don't have to keep up the Tinker Bell charade AND I barely have to sneak because even if they did wake up they would never let on. Everybody wins. Unless of course, Mom pops up at 5:45 am and says "craaayup!"
There was one saving grace. Nathan and Isaiah had switched bunks last night. Nathan had a fever and fearing the worst, a recurrence of stomach flu, we put Nathan on the bottom for easier bathroom access. Ah, a plan was emerging. My hero, Twinkle Toes Tim, went out to the truck to retrieve some spare change. Put it in a baggy and then penned the following note and placed it on the kitchen table:
Where were you? I almost gave your money to Nathan! Since I couldn't find you, I put your $$ in the Christmas tree. Bet you can't find it! (I knew you would come to the table today!)
~T.T. F"
We pulled it off with only one hitch -the stand-in tooth fairy meant to give $1 but somehow only counted out 95 cents. Must be the costs of gas in fairy land. =)
LATE ADDENDUM: We get a chance to redeem ourselves. The boy just popped out another tooth. Freak.
Monday, December 10, 2007
Coming Out of the Dark
#5 -Not having to taste and see every meal twice! I gotta tell you though, the last think I ate before I ... you know ...was Fruity Pebbles. Which may go down (and back up) as one of the least unpleasant episodes ever. Must be something about all that sugar. Not that I'd do it again for fun but if you know it's coming, I recommend Fruity Pebbles.
#4 -Not having to see every meal that my kids eat twice! I don't know what Isaiah had on his plate at church last Wednesday and normally I have nothing but compliments for our amazing kitchen crew BUT even the legendary Karen Frisbee's cooking leaves something to be desired when revisited.
#3 -Trash cans that are actually used as trash cans! No commentary.
#2 -Kissing and hand holding! When you are trying to keep germs confined these things are not an option. And while I am happy to kiss my husbands sweet, smooth, and feverish head; some lips would be nice. Which brings me to...
#1 -Naturally regulated body temperature! (What did you think I was going to say? Get out of the gutter, people. =)) Seriously, fevers are nasty and unless you are dealing with PMS, menopause, or illness; it's good to have a steady, comfortable, internal temperature.
Have a great Monday everyone!
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Another One Bites the Dust
He is resting now and the kids and I are doing some cleaning. I am so thankful for the crazy rise in temperature. It's nice to open the windows and air out after a week like this.
Tim was wondering yesterday, what kind of world we live in where I can write stories about vomit and diarrhea and other people actually read them. It's a good question. I've been pondering it and here's my best guess: it's all about relating to something outside of ourselves. It's the same reason millions of us watched Seinfeld -the show about nothing, and why stand up comics are so entertaining. If we can catch a glimpse of ourselves in someone else's experiences or observations -we feel validated.
When someone whose blog I read is going through stressful times and gets ticked off and blows their cool (totally hypothetical =)) I think to myself, yes, I am not the only freak out there. And as a Christian, blogs offer an amazing connection to the body of Christ. To think that believers across the globe can say "I've been right where you are," or "I see you hurting and I'm praying for you," or even "you are cracking me up" gives new meaning to the admonition in Romans 12:15 to "rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep."
OR I could be way off base and it's really our innate depravity that gives us pleasure in the suffering and misfortune of others.
That being said -to those of you who have endured the recent posts about body function and human waste for whatever reason -THANK YOU!
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Country Roads
THREE, count them 3 pictures of the Livesay crew! Go ahead, Tara Livesay. Google it yourself.
Ha!! 'Splain dat. oh, it hurts to laugh but this is just rich.
And the Gift Goes On
I don't know what I did wrong. I washed my hands. I took my pro-biotics. All my defenses were in place and yet, I was attacked from the North and the South. (Sorry, that was the least graphic way to put it.) Here's where we stand so far. There are six of us. Four have been taken down. One is living under a cloud of doom. And the other one?
If you track with us long enough you will notice that through every family illness one name is conspicuously missing from the list of casualties -Mamoune. We can't explain it but we have a theory. Apparently living in a third world country and a crowded and filthy city like Port-au-Prince where she breathed and ingested goodness knows how much dirt creates a ridiculously strong and almost inhuman immune system. And while on the one hand, it's one less scream in the night, one less bucket of muck to clean up after; on the other hand, her inexperience with physical illness has left her with little to no compassion for the rest of us. (ha-the child just gave me a real time example to share with you. She just walked by and said "Mom, you should taste that sausage we ate, it's so good." Sweet and thoughtful for wanting me to enjoy something that she obviously liked? YES! Clueless of how the idea of eating sausage effects my weakened stomach? YES! ) We think it would be a great movement in our bonding process if she would, just once, get sick enough to totally need us. It hasn't happened yet. Super Girl continues to hang tough.
Back to today's report. I do feel better. And on the bright side, it's been one week since I made my 6 pound declaration. I stepped on the scale this morning and YOU'LL NEVER BELIEVE THIS -I've lost 4 pounds!!!! I'm over half way there and I barely even worked out. That chocolate plan is paying off. whoohoo! Okay, okay, I know it doesn't count and as soon as I get back to eating without the involuntary and immediate recycling process, I'll be right back where I was. But for today I'm going to sip my chicken soup, nibble saltines, and put a heating pad on my back while basking in the knowledge that I am four pounds lighter. ;-)
Lest you think that vomiting is the only excitement around these parts, I'll share the other culprits of sleeplessness that haunted us last night. #1-Bella. The girl cried forever! I have a theory about this, too. Wednesday night she slept on the couch with mom. Thursday early, early morning she ended up in the bed with mom. So by Friday night, the old crib was lonely. It took Tim several trips and coaxing to convince her that she wasn't coming to sleep with us. And finally she settled down. In the midst of cry-fest came #2-the trashcan tippers. A couple of guys walking down the street at 1:30 am (yea, that's a good sign) were apparently annoyed by our emptied garbage can that was still out by the street. So, one of them knocked it over. A big, empty can hitting the ground is rather loud and startling and didn't help at all with Bella's crying issue. Oh well, I just hope whichever one shoved it over had the good sense to wash his hands. Or maybe I don't.
And last but by no means least #3 -the caroler. A little after two o'clock in the morning a gentlemen was walking by singing "The Little Drummer Boy" very loudly. I'm serious. Not making this stuff up. A theory? I just happen to have one. =) I'm guessing he was either drunk, nervous (you know those times when you are frightened and start humming any and every hymn you can think of -is that just me?) or he was just truly filled with the Christmas spirit. Whichever the case, despite my nausea, the insane hour, and the bizarreness of it all --it made me smile. What else can you do when a cheerful, soulful voice goes pah-rum-pum-pumming down the street?
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Oh What a Night
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
A Dose of Reality
In fact, they are particularly easy to recognize because most days they are little mirror images of their mother. I am fully capable of being all the horrible things I've attributed to them. What's worse, I have ample experience being a lazy, rebel-hearted quitter all in the same two seconds.
This is where I find myself in parenting right now. It's not just about random or childish acts of disobedience. It's realizing that their choices seem to be consistently defined by these character traits. This is not what I want for them. I want to see Mamoune's bossiness become true biblical leadership and her heart to be full of tender mercies and service. I want wimpy Nathan to become a man of deep compassion who is willing to go the distance to see justice done. I want to see Isaiah become driven to influence others toward Godliness.
I believe my kids are well-behaved. (you may have evidence to the contrary -shrug) The older ladies in our neighborhood are always telling us that they are "mannerly children". It makes me smile. But I know that having kids who chew with their mouths closed, say yes ma'am, no ma'am, please, and thank you is not enough. It's a start and it's necessary but it isn't the end goal. I believe it was Michael Pearl (No Greater Joy Ministries) who said, "figure out what you want your children to be and then be that 10 times over." ugh. I've got my work cut out for me. Thankfully, God has provided a Paraclete (one of those fancy seminary words that Tim taught me) to come along side and advocate for me and the kids as we work through our flaws together.
Paraclete (Holy Spirit) not to be confused with parakeet (loud obnoxious bird) -although that could be fun, too. "Sqaaaawk, stop being lazy, sqaaaawk"
Monday, December 3, 2007
Other random photos:
Friday, November 30, 2007
Mission Impossible
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Revisiting the barn
It turns out that we had a Fisher (sometimes known as an American Marten). Good ol' Marty and his wife took in two orphaned fishers and we got to enjoy watching them grow and learn to hunt and all the time I was thinking, that looks so familiar. So, we do regret to tell Bobbey and Leslie that your title must be revoked. We hope you've enjoyed your 7 month reign and all the perks that went with it. Please return your tiara's and sashes back to us within the week.
And now, a new queen must be crowned! Drum roll, please.
How foolish we were to doubt you when you even included a photo link in your comment. You are wicked smart and we offer our deepest apologies and highest regard for your wildlife prowess!
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Preparing for her breakout session at next year's Women of Faith conference.
Stashing her liquor (that she doesn't want the Women of Faith people to know about)
"It's apple juice, people. Really."
What do ya mean "walk a straight line"?
Monday, November 12, 2007
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
For you, Heather!
Things have been hectic around here. Lots of needs, lots of opportunities to serve others. Oh, and lots of completely selfish thoughts like -if you have a question, need help, need encouragement, need prayer, or just need a sympathetic ear -TOUGH! I'm all tapped out so back off. Yep, real Christ-like ain't it? Well, clearly I haven't said this to anyone and on most days am not quite ready to peel my skin off my own body but it remains true that serving is hard. It requires a certain level of sacrifice, and sacrifice requires a certain level of selflessness, and well, selflessness doesn't leave much time for self. And that is where it all comes down, doesn't it? I'm a loser.
But I'm fighting my loserness and I suppose that's worth something. I will be teaching/sharing at a class tonight at church and am rather nervous. You can say a prayer for me if you think of it.
Heather/Cammie -I know this wasn't much but hopefully it will hold you over for a day or two. =) Love you.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Halloween Fun
Fun, fun. I think I enjoy this holiday even more now than I did as a kid. I have no pictures of the kids in their costumes. Loser mom. Sorry. Partly because they had stripped out of them (they were clothed underneath) within 5 minutes of getting to our church carnival. You can't slide down big blow up things while wearing capes and light sabers. shrug. It was quite a night though. There were 2 adults and 5 kids in my van. And two adults and eight children in the church van that Tim drove. Here are some random pictures of the crew as best I could keep up with them:
Nathan on the mechanical bull.
Javon on the bull.
Spider-Elijah and Yoda in the background.
Tim went dressed as a Pastor. Original. Oh wait, he wore his Panthers hat. So, that made him a pastor/Panther's fan. He goes all out for these things. =)
Monday, October 29, 2007
Walking at nine months. ptooey. We've considered hobbling her but that doesn't seem like the loving parent thing to do. Sorry grandfolk -it looks like the "baby" will be an accomplished toddler by Christmas.
In addition to thinking this baby stage has gone by WAY too fast, I had to hold back tears in Walmart last night. We were picking up winter wardrobes for the crew and something about 10 slims put a huge lump in my throat. I looked at Tim and said "we've never had to buy pants this big. I'm going to cry." He laughed and decided to help the situation by pointing out how Isaiah's head comes only a few inches below his (Tim's) shoulder. Tim is not short, he is average. (in height -in everything else he is far above average ;-)) Isaiah is six and a beast.
My babies are growing up. That's kinda the point, isn't it? In many ways I can't wait for them to go. Just thinking of all the time Tim and I will have together for uninterrupted conversations, ahem, among other things =) makes me very excited about the way God worked this family thing out. In other ways, well...swallowing lumps. Gotta go.
Side note to Tara -jeans are nothing compared to college. Loving you and feeling your pain in small ways!
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Weighing in...
weighs himself constantly. Not so much because he cares what it says but because he is so fascinated by the fluctuation of the number through out the day. He wakes up, he weighs. He runs, he weighs. He showers, he weighs. He eats, he weighs. He poops, he weighs.
(Tim would like for me to point out that he has never weighed himself post-poop. This is just an example of his wife exaggerating the truth for the sake of humor. However, he does admit that his curiosity is now peaked, so there's that.)
A few mornings ago he came into the bedroom and said, "I gained six pounds with breakfast and shoes." I shook my head and said, "maybe you should stop eating shoes for breakfast." ;-)
If I'd known how much fun he would have with this new "toy" I would've waited and given it to him for Christmas. Who knew?Tuesday, October 23, 2007
The Five Second Rule
"The five-second rule is a popular urban legend, and common rule among many people today, regarding the eating of food that has been dropped on the ground. The origins of the tale are unknown. It claims that if food falls on the ground, it may be safely eaten as long as it is picked up within 5 seconds.
There are many local variations on the rule. In many areas the time limit is modified so that it is known variously as the three-second rule, seven-second rule, eight-second rule, or ten-second rule. In some variations, the person picking up the food arbitrarily extends the time limit based on the actual amount of time required to retrieve the food."