Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Move Over Governor
Monday, February 26, 2007
A Date Night
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Grandparents on Parade...
Meeting Bella.
Friday, February 23, 2007
And this Friday is special for another reason. Tim's parents are on their way. They should be here around lunch time. So, Miss Isabella and her future best friend, Miss Phoebe Livesay, will both be meeting grandparents for the first time today. We are excited. I cleaned her up, lotioned her down, and put on one of her cutest, brightest outfits. She looks and smells great. What of the other children? uh, well, let's just say they haven't exactly been spit-shined. Maybe we'll make them brush their teeth before Papa and Borba arrive. Maybe. =) We'll post pictures of the grand event later tonight.
Thursday, February 22, 2007
What a Day!
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Virtual Tour
Clink this link then scroll down and enter the following tour #: B4ZGYU
Monday, February 19, 2007
And the Winner is...
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Getting Real
Friday, February 16, 2007
Thanks for helping Mr. Mark!
The papers are signed. The signs will be placed. The place is clean. The clean is... I guess the word play breaks down right about there. Oh well. By Monday the house should be listed and ready for showing. Finishing off the parking pad was a last step, thus the gravel. Keep praying as we watch for God to bring us the right buyer at the right time with the right offer.
Thursday, February 15, 2007
A Star in the Making
Isaiah will be hosting his first autograph signing party in the Kindergarten department at Faith this Sunday morning. =) Perhaps Burger King should call us before he gets to "big" for them.
Photo Fun with Bella
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
A Life in Review
My grandmother, Rachel Lewis, passed away on Saturday evening. She was suffering from cancer as well as heart disease and her health had deteriorated quickly over the last two months. I (nor my siblings) never had much of a relationship with Grandmother Rachel. She was an alcoholic as far back as I can remember and she spent most of her life destroying relationships because of her addiction. A trip to Grandmother's house was not the warm fuzzy feeling you often associate with "grandma". We didn't know what condition she would be in when we arrived or how long the visit would last before things got ugly. On one very vivid occasion, the family hadn't heard from her for several days and we went to check on her. We found her passed out in the backseat of her car, the doors wide open. I recall the fear in wondering if she was dead or simply drunk.
I don't tell you this to gain pity and certainly not out of bitterness or anger towards my Grandmother. In her last days, she wanted those whom she'd hurt to forgive her and I have. But because at some point, each of us may have opportunity to review our life as it nears an end, and I don't know about you, but I don't want my last moments spent making amends for relationships that I tore apart. I want to be surrounded by loved ones and friends who despite knowing my worst faults, know my heart and know how greatly they were valued.
My mom took several opportunities to ask Grandmother Rachel about her eternal destiny. And regardless of the past mistakes and a life lived selfishly, she believed in a Savior who loved her in her sinful state and died for her and I believe she is with Him now. I imagine that in the midst of her homecoming there may have been a moment in which she was given a glimpse of the many things she missed out on in this life...the joy of her great-grandchildren, family gatherings, the chance to be a Godly example to her three daughters. But if in some way God allows His departed children to see the on going journeys of us who remain, I would dare say that she has now become one of our greatest cheerleaders!
1st Thess. 4.13 "..do not grieve as those who have no hope."
Reader Participation
Choice A
Choice DPlease place your vote in the comment section. We will run the vote for about three days and then announce the winning picture! Thanks for your help.
Note: the final picture will be adjusted for best color, lighting, etc.
Progress Report
What we are working on:
- We have completed our fundraising letter and will be mass producing it along with pledge cards very soon.
- We are working on our prayer cards (more on this in the next post) and hope to have them ordered in the next couple of weeks.
- We will take care of paper work this Friday and hopefully get the house listed by the first of next week.
- Isabella turned one month old today. She is wonderful and we are thankful that God brought us such a blessing in HIS perfect timing.
- We have found a loving family to re-adopt Smudge!!! (And no, Tara, it was not because we threatened to kill him. ;-))
Prayer Requests:
- Pray for our children as we relocate Smudge this weekend. This will be hard for them.
- Pray for Isabella's adoption. Specifically, that birth father issues will be resolved and that the remaining processes will be expedited as much as possible.
- Pray for patience with one another as we strive to maintain a clean house over the next weeks/months.
We are still holding to our original goal of being in Haiti by June 1st but we know that God will have to move many mountains to make that happen. We believe He can but we are also preparing for the possibility that Tim will need to move to Haiti several weeks ahead of the rest of the clan while we wait for Bella's papers and passport. Thankfully, we have had two good friends offer to fly down with us as extra hands and extra bins (YEAH) when we make the initial move. This will be a huge relief for me. How amazing is the Body of Christ?
Thank you all for praying and bearing patiently. We'll do our best to keep you posted.
Hanes His Way
The Deal
1. Our Internet is suffering from bi-polar disorder. We can access certain sites unfortunately our own blog is not one of them. ugh. Tim is working on remedying this problem even now. (meaning he is calling someone who can fix it.)
2. Our blogging may continue to be sporadic over the next few days. See number 1.
3. I will be posting multiple tidbits tonight in hopes of "holding over" our friendly addicts. If you need to see something everyday then I recommend only reading one post at a time. If you don't care then by all means consume them all at once.
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Friday, February 9, 2007
Good Parenting
Thursday, February 8, 2007
The Days Events
The kids and I ran a few errands today. Nothing particularly exciting. We had to go by the Department of Social Services to take care of some insurance paperwork. A few of you know that I whacked myself in the eye on a shelf corner three days ago. Brilliant, I know. Well, we spoke to our case worker, she came out and said hello to the kids, etc. It wasn't until we got back into the car and I glanced in the rear view mirror that I noticed the glaring purple and blue bruise covering my right eyelid. It wasn't there yesterday. I'll be expecting the call from the police department any minute now. "We saw the bruises, we've arrested your husband." The worst part will be having to tell the story of my stupidity as sworn testimony. Nothing like having legally binding documents which state "I, Amie Sexton, do solemnly swear that I am an idiot."
Next we headed to the library. My kids love the library. They love books. It was Isabella's first time. She belched like a 45 year old man after Thanksgiving dinner. I don't think she read the "quiet, please" signs. We'll begin our study of library etiquette right after she masters controlling her own head.
I must now go and read 25 books to three anxious children because spreading them out over the next two weeks makes no sense at all.
Wednesday, February 7, 2007
Tim's Second Blog
I don't know about you all, but I'm tired of seeing the "Interview with a Smudgester" on the top of this blog. My question is this: When will Amie blog again? I check the blog every day to see what wonderful things are happening in my home. How am I supposed to know what's going on in my life if my wife doesn't post the excruciating minutiae of our daily lives on the world wide web?
I am helplessly out of the loop.
Amie: We, your fans, want to know. What is it that's holding you up? Is it the new baby? Moving to Haiti? Laying new kitchen tile? Finalizing the adoption? Watching "Lost"? Cleaning up? Cooking supper? Staying beautiful?
What could possibly be more important than satisfying your adoring fans?
We are waiting on pins and needles...
Blog Amie, blog...blog Amie, blog...blog Amie, blog...
Sunday, February 4, 2007
An Interview with a Smudgester
CC: First, let me say 'thanks' for the interview.
Smudge: No problem.
CC: Let's start with the basics. What breed are you exactly? You're not that large but I sense some big dog qualities about you.
Smudge: (laughing) Are you getting fresh with me, Callie? (more laughing) No, seriously, I'm just a medium sized guy. A little Beagle, a little Terrier. But I like to think I carry myself like a Doberman.
CC: Ah, so there's a little guard dog inside just waiting to be tapped into?
Smudge: Yeah, you could say that. I mean, let's face it, it's not likely I could take down a grown man but I could do some damage from the buttocks down. And that would give my family a heads up and some time to protect themselves.
CC: Your family? You still call them that even though they're, um, leaving you behind?
Smudge: I'm not the type to carry a grudge, ya know. They're good people. We've been together for over two years and it's been great. I especially like the curly-haired kid, Nathan. Oh yeah, he lets me lick all over his face and stuff. He doesn't even wipe the dog slobber off.
CC: Good people, great kids...but you're dodging the issue. Why aren't you going with them? Why do you suddenly need a new home while they do "their thing?"
Smudge: Truth is, I've given this Haiti thing some thought and I have to say that I agree with them.
CC: Really? How so?
Smudge: Well, first there's the whole plane ride.
CC: And?
Smudge: Ok, a smart dog like you, you've been around and travelled the world...by the way, I loved that peice you did on the late great Rin-tin-tin. It was really touching. But anyway, I've never been on a plane and even with the "sleepy time cocktail" they can give you, I have no guarantees that I won't come out of there foaming at the mouth or chasing my own tail or something. You know, snapped, crazy even.
CC: That's a legitimate concern. Is there more?
Smudge: Sure. There's gonna be lots of people coming and going in Haiti. And that could be dangerous for a territorial dog like myself. I've gotten really good at recognizing the regulars around here but I get edgy when strangers get too close. I may not know who's a friend or foe, and suppose I take a snap at Donald or Arnold...I've heard those names but I don't know those guys. And we both know it would be all down hill from there.
CC: Sounds like you've really thought it through. But aren't you even going to miss them?
Smudge: Absolutely! Wrestling with the kids and the big guy, knowing they'll throw me a pillow to sleep on at night, the red-head who did most of my training -I got a lot of respect for her. She's the Alpha female. I'm gonna miss it all, yeah, I am. ahem, 'scuse me. I got a little something in my throat.
CC: You're smart, healthy, sensitive. Why hasn't another family snatched you up?
Smudge: Look at me. You're guess is as good as mine.
CC: Well, we wish you the best of luck, Smudge, and thanks again for sharing your story with our subscribers. Who knows? Maybe the perfect family is reading it right now.
Smudge: Could be, could be. But hey, either way, Callie, I'll give you my cell -off the record, and you call me sometime. We'll dig holes together.
CC: Lovely. Maybe some time when I haven't had a fresh grooming.
Saturday, February 3, 2007
Our Biggest Fan
Judging for the title of "Biggest Fan" was based upon blog addiction and nagging. Is Wendell his brother's keeper? When it comes to this blog...you better believe it. He is keeping us on our toes and we love him for it. The following is a fairly unexaggerated example of his gentle promptings.
W: Hey Amie, how are you? You haven't blogged today.
A: I know. I haven't done anything interesting today. I'll try to come up with something.
W: Please do. There was nothing there at 5 o'clock this morning and still nothing there at 5:30 this afternoon.
A: I pulled up tile all day. (shrug)
W: Great! Go write about it.
So, now you know. If someday you find yourself reading the dull and tedious details of an otherwise monotonous day in our lives -blame Wendell! ;-)