Saturday, February 3, 2007

Our Biggest Fan

Meet Wendell Williams :

Judging for the title of "Biggest Fan" was based upon blog addiction and nagging. Is Wendell his brother's keeper? When it comes to this better believe it. He is keeping us on our toes and we love him for it. The following is a fairly unexaggerated example of his gentle promptings.

W: Hey Amie, how are you? You haven't blogged today.

A: I know. I haven't done anything interesting today. I'll try to come up with something.

W: Please do. There was nothing there at 5 o'clock this morning and still nothing there at 5:30 this afternoon.

A: I pulled up tile all day. (shrug)

W: Great! Go write about it.

So, now you know. If someday you find yourself reading the dull and tedious details of an otherwise monotonous day in our lives -blame Wendell! ;-)

1 comment:

Wendell said...

Hay Ya'll,
Now your bloging. Thats good stuff.
Maybe not the forting itself. But keeping your fans informed and waiting for the next update is great.
WOW This ranks up there with Ground Hog in Haiti story.(maybe)
Your youngens are adorable!
Praying for your family